In memory of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 we proudly present the Day The Lady Cried Documentary. This is entire 12 minute Documentary.

Television Commercial
Bob Sedney Automotive uses the song "Grow Up Fast", written by John Vento and Tim Hadley, as the music bed in their TV commercial. Click the icon to see the commercial in Flash format.
Flash Media

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Radio Advertisement
Give Rock Radio DJ Sean McDowell of 102.5 FM WDVE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1 minute to tell you about Nied's Hotel.
AUDIO Winamp Hi-Speed Winamp Dial-Up

Video sweeper for the Pennsylvania Rock Show. It's a quick 11 second spot.

Our sweeper for the "Get Outta Town" segment that we sponsor on the Pennsylvania Rock Show.

Video for Bill's Web Studio. It's a quick 20 second spot.

Lollypop by Raydio Jamaica - video preview